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Add Computers


To add computers to your IDrive 360 account,

  1. Sign in to your IDrive 360 account.
  2. Click the Add Devices button.
  3. In the Add Devices section, select the checkbox to set your own encryption method on app installation and select the operating system to download the corresponding setup file.

  4. Run and install the application on your computer. On installation, the backup agent will run silently in the background.

To add computers to your account via an app installation link,

  1. In the Add Devices screen, copy the link appearing against the operating system of your choice.
  2. Share the installation link with the recipient.
  3. On receiving the same, the recipient can use the link to download the setup.

To add Linux machines,

Ensure Perl v5.8 or later is installed and follow the steps below. 

  1. Sign in to your IDrive® 360 account.
  2. Click 'Add Devices’.
  3. In the 'Add Devices’ screen, go to the ‘Linux’ tab.
  4. Follow the steps appropriate for the Linux OS
    CentOS / Fedora / openSUSE
    1. Download the .rpm package.
    2. Open the terminal.
    3. Run rpm -ivh idrive360_<Deployment Code>.rpm

    Ubuntu / Linux Mint

    1.  Download the .deb package.
    2. Open the terminal.
    3. Run dpkg -i idrive360_<Deployment Code>.deb

All the added computers appear in the Devices tab. 

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